29 easy fall snack recipes for kids to make that will help them make the most of the season without taking up too much time. These great kid-approved ideas for fall lunches, classroom parties, after school snacks, even breakfasts!

There’s a delightful hint of autumn in the air, and that’s been enough for me to get fully on board the pumpkin-flavored bandwagon. Fall activities are in full swing, and sometimes I have to remind myself to slow down, relax, and savor that piping hot pumpkin spice latte.
My daughters love cooking and baking, and they’re always excited when they can take the helm and concoct their own delicious goodies in the kitchen. I enjoy finding simple, kid-friendly recipes that we can make together, and more importantly, share with our family and friends!
Check out this family bucket list for the fall season and these 30 scary good snack ideas for Halloween!
There are so many heavenly pumpkin and apple-spiced creations floating around right now that I gathered together 29 Fun Fall Snack Ideas That Kids Can Make to inspire your next weekend cooking session with your children. I’m certain you’ll find something everyone can enjoy!
29 Fun Fall Snack Ideas That Kids Can Make
Fruits, veggies, & other cold treats
You'll need some healthy homemade ranch dressing for those veggies!
Brownies, Bars, and Bread
Muffins & Donuts
Cooking with your children can be such a rewarding experience, especially as you watch them gain confidence in their skills with one (or a bunch) of these kid-friendly fall snacks. They’re sure to be a hit at your next fall-themed party, family get-together, or Thanksgiving meal.
While you're at it, check out Kids Cook Real Food which is a course I purchased for my kids and I to do together five years ago. It's awesome and has multiple levels so that it can grow with them as their skills develop.
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