I've never much cared for St. Patrick's Day. I think my 3D ultrasound was on St. Patrick's Day in 2007, and the only reason I remember is that my father-in-law had a green beer when we all went out for dinner afterward. It's not been a memorable holiday in my life. Until this year. In case you haven't noticed, we've done every holiday with Grace in a big way. It's just more fun that way. St. Patrick's Day was no different. This morning, Grace drank green milk with her breakfast.
If you put a couple of drops of food color into the glass before adding the milk, it will turn green like magic.
Wouldn't it be fun to put some green food color under the cereal in a bowl of cereal? The milk will turn green when you pour it in, but the kids will never see the food color.
Today, at day care, Grace feasted on green cupcakes and green jello while wearing head to toe green. There were gold coins and Leprechauns and pots of gold and rainbows. At home, we ate corned beef and cabbage for dinner, followed by Irish potato candy, and then a green bath.
I detest corned beef and cabbage. Really, really can't stand it.
In the interest of being a good role model, I choked it down. Blech.
Aside from the corned beef and cabbage (and the making myself sick with Irish potato candy), it was a perfectly splendid day. Here's my Irish Potato Candy recipe:
I determined that eating more than 4 of these candies at one time will almost certainly lead to a belly ache. Just in case you were tempted.
Plus, they aren't all that healthy. But they are tasty, and it won't hurt you to have a couple one day a year. Just don't go overboard like I did.
thegrasshoppa says
Adorable! And yummy looking. I have never actually tried corned beef...I am a little scared. What a trooper you are ๐
Roni says
I LOVE the green milk idea! Too cute! Grace is so precious!
Michele says
These are so cute (both the candy and the girl, lol!). I'll have to put it into my holiday folder for next year.
Olivia says
Sounds pretty yummy! It sounds like you guys celebrated in high style!
Alison says
I'm Irish and St. Patrick's Day never really was a big deal for me either. Other than wearing a green shirt, I never really celebrated. I also HATE corned beef and cabbage!
I've been trying to get into the habit of doing something special for the holidays now that we have a daughter. Her name is also Grace. She's only 10 months old and doesn't "get" the holidays yet, but this year is practice for me!
Yesterday, we were out shopping at dinner time, so we had our St. Patty's Day dinner tonight instead of last night. I just did some diced ham steak with potatoes, carrots and cabbage in a skillet. It was a good compromise since I'm not into the normal boiled ham and cabbage dinner.
I love that you shared your recipe for Irish Potatoes! I love them but have never made them! Turns out I have all the ingredients in the house too! Uh oh! There goes the diet!
I love the green milk and green bath ideas too! I'll have to remember them for next year!!!
Melissa Smallwood says
That looks good and I something my kids would enjoy making. Thanks for the recipe!
Mrs. Jen B says
First, what a totally cool idea about the green food coloring! I will have to remember that one for the day I can do that for my own kids!
Second...oh my gosh, someone brought this candy in to work the other day and I was dying to know how they made it - this is it for sure! THANK YOU!
SnoWhite says
that's a fun idea! thanks for sharing.
Cecily R says
A green bath? You are SO rockin that holiday!!! My kids got nothing like that!
I've never heard of potato candy, but I do love taters...I must try this one!
Run DMT says
How fun! My girls ate Lucky Charms for breakfast on St. Patty's Day, one of the treats left by the leprechaun. I never even thought of adding green food coloring! What a great idea!
I'm a lot like you. Every holiday is a special day around here. We celebrate them all, big or small.
Did you see my girl's leprechaun traps?
.-= Run DMT´s last blog ..Simone and Matt's Wedding =-.
lizhoosierhomemade says
Those look really good! And your little one looks like she had a blast! What fun!
We would love for you to join in the Spring Blog Hop!
FeelsLikeHomeBlog says
Thanks for stopping by! I think all of the holidays have become more important to me now. Somewhere between 18 months and 2 years, Grace really started "getting" things. We talk about the holiday - Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, Christmas, Epiphany, St. Patrick's Day, Easter - you name it. It's wonderful to have family traditions. ๐
Write them down! A blog is a great place to do it, but you won't want to forget anything for next year. ๐
FeelsLikeHomeBlog says
Totally. The messy hands would be a big draw, I bet.
FeelsLikeHomeBlog says
It's my pleasure to share the calories around the blogosphere. ๐
It takes A LOT of food coloring to make the bath that green, just so you know. It's totally worth it, but it took most of a squeezy bottle of color.
FeelsLikeHomeBlog says
The candy is nothing at all like potatoes - it just looks like potatoes. Cream cheese, sugar, and coconut. You can't go wrong.
I was worried that the green bath would dye her, but it didn't. I even used the bath water to wash and rinse her hair. No ill effects at all.
Nancy says
When I saw your link on The Finer Things in Life I had to check it out to see just what Irish Potato candy was...it sounds delicious and very belly ache worthy! They're cute little spuds! I'll try them for sure!
Sherry says
That is really cute. They do look like potatoes and you had me at cream cheese!
Amy @ Finer Things says
What fun traditions! We skipped St. Patrick's Day this year. Not a mention of it!
carriekeiser says
Way to be a good example and enjoy St Patty's Day for her sake! I happen to really like St Patty's day, but it could be that I'm Irish! (nope don't drink, so no green beer here) I love the green milk idea and the green under the cereal, how fun! I've got one that wouldn't touch it though just cause it would be the wrong color! He wouldn't eat cookies we dyed green!
Designs by Gollum says
Love the memories you are making! I lost my recipe for Irish potato candy--a million thanks for joining us at FoodieFriday.
carriekeiser says
Way to be a good example and enjoy St Patty's Day for her sake! I happen to really like St Patty's day, but it could be that I'm Irish! (nope don't drink, so no green beer here) I love the green milk idea and the green under the cereal, how fun! I've got one that wouldn't touch it though just cause it would be the wrong color! He wouldn't eat cookies we dyed green!
Designs by Gollum says
Love the memories you are making! I lost my recipe for Irish potato candy--a million thanks for joining us at FoodieFriday.