80 Awesome & unique Christmas gift ideas for teen girls - These fun ideas are sure to please the teens in your life! There is something on this list for everyone for the holidays or even for birthdays!

I think teen girls are hard to buy gifts for, and Christmas is no different from the rest of the year. They aren't into toys anymore. On the other hand, they aren't really grown up and still want lots of presents under the tree. It's a tough place to be, both for the girl and for the gift giver.
So I got together with my 16-year-old daughter and made up a list of all the things she wants and then added to it based on some things she didn't say but I know will love. (The list she came up with was very short, and I know she would want more than that.)
Note: While I do go overboard on presents for Christmas, my daughter is not getting all these things this year.
Also note: While most of the links below are affiliate links where I get a commission when you make a purchase (at no cost to you), I spent my own money to buy a sample of almost everything listed. I am only recommending them because I believe they are truly great gifts for the teen girls in your life.
There are tons more ideas in many different categories (books, games, toys, fidgets, etc.) in my Amazon shop. Hop over there too!
Visit the Christmas gift guide for families for hundreds more gift ideas!
Kindle Fire 8 – This was Grace's #1 requested Christmas gift a couple of years ago. She used to have an old style Kindle that wasn't lit at all, but it broke over the summer. She loves to read, and she especially loves to read in bed after her sister is asleep, so the Fire seemed like a perfect choice. I ended up getting her the Fire 8 because it was only $10 more than the Fire 7 with 16 GB of memory. Don't forget a nice case and a warranty on this.
Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls - 100 Inspiring Young Change Makers – My teen has loved the Rebel Girls series since the first one came out. Each of the books features 100 women and girls who have changed the world. There is a one page biography of each person, along with a full-page painting of her. The biographies are written in a way that makes them accessible to young children but also interesting to tweens and teens. I highly recommend any book in the series, but the newest one (100 Inspiring Young Change Makers) is Grace's favorite because it's written by and features women between the ages of 11 and 30.
An instant camera – These are all the rage this year, and I bought one for my teenage girl (although I know my young lady would love it too). They are basically new versions of the Polaroid camera that we remember from the 80s and 90s except with much better picture quality. Pair this with a string of photo LED lights for the ultimate in cool Christmas gifts this year.
A light strip kit – My teenager told me that these are the other big thing this year, and that everyone on TikTok has one. Plain old twinkle lights are okay, she said, but LED lights that can change color are way better. This kit includes a hub that works with Alexa and Google.
Sims 4 – Both my tween and teen are over the moon for this computer game. As far as I know, it can only be played on a laptop or desktop computer (as opposed to a tablet/iPad or phone). If you have never heard of the Sims, they are people you can create, and then you manage their lives and jobs and families and everything. I had Sims in the early 2000s, and I thought it was lame, but my kids play it every single day.
Both of my girls got a Munchpak Mini subscription last year, and we will continue those this year. Munchpak is a weekly, biweekly, or monthly subscription box where you get a mix of savory and sweet snacks from around the world. The Mini contains 5 snack-sized items, and I opted for the monthly option. They love these boxes and devour them every month. Learn More about Munchpak
SketchBox - Grace is super excited about SketchBox because it will give her the opportunity to test out different art supplies than she might otherwise have chosen, and she'll get new ones every month. Also, there is an instructional video each month to teach you how to use the supplies you've received.
Paint by number kit with an artist's easel – Paint by number is not what it used to be. There are intricately detailed and gorgeous canvases that your teen can unroll and paint. My daughter and I can make it through a painting in about two weeks, working on and off but always together. I especially like this Disney inspired painting. I think it's grown up enough for our teens but still whimsical and a little bit child-like.
A pretty bracelet from Luc and Bell - These bracelets have the best message. Each one contains a silver heart so that girls know that they are loved, an animal bead so that girls know that they are part of a larger pack that has their backs, and a red bead reminding them that they are strong and protected. Each bracelet comes with a card that says "You are strong, kind, and you are note alone." I think they are a beautiful reminder to our girls that, even though mean people will always come along, they don't have to give in to the meanness. They can stand strong in the face of whatever they face.
Art supplies - In addition to the SketchBox above, Grace is getting some big time art supplies that she asked for. One of the items is a large set of Ohuhu markers which are apparently alcohol-based markers similar to Copic but cheaper. She didn't ask for but is also getting a large set of glitter gel pens. I looked on Amazon to find the highest rated set, and it was relatively inexpensive which was a nice bonus. I picked up a really neat set of watercolors (and got one for myself too). Finally, I got her an assortment of sketch books as she usually only uses the ones that I can get at Walmart for under $5, and I thought she might appreciate some nicer, artist-quality ones.
Grace isn't into journaling so much, but when I asked for suggestions on Facebook, a couple of people said their tweens would like pretty journals and nice erasable pens. I personally adore pretty journals and pens and have about seventy bajillion of them, so I included a favorite here.
This journal is like the ones above but actually very different. It's a dot-based journal which doesn't have lines - only grids of dots. Bullet journaling is HUGE among women today, partly because of its artsy slant and customizability. I think tweens and teens would get into it just as much if they had the opportunity. This is the journal I use for my bujo, and it is the second one I've had of the same brand from the same maker. I love this journal so much. If you get this, spring for some premium colored pencils, a sharpener, a mini ruler, and a couple of nice pens to get her started.
Waterproof sticker pack – I know, stickers are usually a little kid thing, but hear me out. My 16-year-old is in love with these vinyl stickers (outdoor theme and galaxy theme), so much so that she bought them with her own money. She puts them on everything. Her water bottle is especially plastered with them. They can also go on laptops, phone cases, and anything else that's smooth.
A simple sewing machine – Apparently, making your own clothes is a big trend for teenagers, and this simple sewing machine is perfect because it has enough features to be awesome but not so many that it's overwhelming or complicated. I have a Brother sewing machine (not this model but one that has more advanced features), and I can vouch for the fact that they are really solid and long-lasting machines.
A tie dye kit – Both of my girls (the tween and the teenager) LOVE tie dying. Every summer, we buy a giant kit and tie dye shirts and socks and scarves in the backyard. It's fun, and we wear the shirts for years after, remembering the good time we had together. Tie dying is super fun and girls love the whole process.
Faux fur coat – I have a faux fur coat (not this one because it doesn't come in my size, but a similar plus size one), and I love it. It is so soft, and it goes as well with jeans and a t-shirt as it does with a party dress. I think every girl should have a faux fur coat.
Harry Potter is, and perhaps will always be, hugely popular among teen girls. If yours is also part of team HP, you should check out my Harry Potter Amazon page - there are well over 150 additional Harry Potter themed gifts over there. The items above are a time turner necklace, a HP earring set, a set of illustrated HP novels, and a replica of the Elder Wand from the movies.
All the above are heat-sensitive, color-changing mugs, so when you pour something hot into them, the design appears. I think they're really neat, and I think Grace would really like one (especially the Harry Potter ones above). Even Allie gets excited about heat-sensitive mugs. And actually, so do I, come to that.
Stick together kits – These mosaic kits are very large and very cool. Basically, you get a poster board sized template, and you stick 4,000 small square stickers to it. For my girls, I removed the completed picture so that it would be a surprise when they assemble. I am excited about these kits because they will take a very long time to put together, and they are something that I can do together with my daughter for an easy and fun, screen-free, low key time together.
Diving set – I know your girl is probably not currently thinking about swimming, but this diving set is amazing. I got one for my tween and one for my teen (be careful of sizing - check the charts) last year, and they love them. They got lots of action all summer long, and the fins really helped my struggling swimmer to improve her skills and gain some confidence in the water. I highly, highly recommend this set if your girl spends a lot of time in the water.
Karaoke machine – I got my kids a karaoke machine a few years ago, and it was a big hit. We still love to sing and play with it, which leads me to think it would be a good gift for your tween too.
Mini ice maker – My teen loves to chew ice. I cannot understand this obsession except that she has braces and the orthodontist told her never to chew ice, so she wants to chew ice. There is no other explanation. At any rate, she asked me to buy her ice about three times a week at $2 a bag. I bought her this nifty little ice maker last summer, and she has used it daily ever since. She loves it. It makes ice cubes that are just the right size for chewing, and they also fit into the mouth of a water bottle.
Tabletop nugget ice machine – This year, I splurged and bought her a real tabletop ice machine. It makes the good kind of ice (nuggets as opposed to cubes), and I know she's going to be ecstatic when she opens it. This is the kind that doesn't have to be hooked up to a water line, so it's easier to use than the other style.
Fujifilm Instax Instant Camera with extra film – Grace has wanted one of these the last few years, but something else has always usurped it on her list. It's the Polaroid camera you remember, where you take a picture and wait for it to develop - except that the picture quality is so much better than it used to be. If you are getting one of these this year, make sure you budget for extra film. The film is a little pricey.
Rock tumbler – I got this rock tumbler for Grace a few years ago, and it is still as cool as ever. It is a professional quality tumbler and will last your girl for many years to come. If you go this route, plan on getting some gemstone refills and grit refills either now or in a couple of months.
Burt's Bees Shimmer Lip Balm – Grace loves Burt's Bees because it's all natural, and she wears it almost every day. This particular lip balm is shimmery which makes it nice for girls who are starting to experiment with a little makeup but not really ready for the whole shebang.
Unique nail polish in rose gold or multicolor - What I love about this brand is that it is all vegan and cruelty-free. Allie loves nail polish. She loves to paint her nails, and the more unique, the better. ILNP's polishes are so cool and interesting, and they make great stocking stuffers by themselves or under the tree gifts in packages.
Unicorn joggers – Every tween girl I know loves unicorns, so these cute leggings are perfect. Grace is got a pair a few years ago and is still wearing them. There are tons of different patterns with these pants, including cats, camo, and solid colors.
Glitter washi tape – Grace covers everything in washi or duct tape. I prefer the washi because it is easier to get off after she changes her mind. This particular package is all silver and gold patterns, which makes it seem really fancy and sophisticated for our older girls. If you're looking for a set with more rolls of tape, take a look at these which we have. They're great, just not as fancy as the metallic ones.
Wreck This Journal – Grace got this for her birthday last year, at her request. She LOVED it. She did most of the pages and had a great time doing them. You really wreck the journal, putting pages in the freezer, ripping out pages and mailing them back to yourself, burying them in the dirt, etc. It's fun and interesting for kids. Grace's journal eventually broke in half, and she had to keep it in a gallon-sized zippered bag, and that made it all the better for her. She has since gotten herself a second one with her own money, and she's working on destroying it, too. She eventually repaired her first Wreck This Journal with duct tape, and she has asked for Keri Smith's other books for Christmas this year.
Hammock chair – You may be thinking that this gift is a bit young for your teen, but hold on a minute. It's a single person hanging seat. That means that no little sibling can climb in and bug her while she's reading or drawing or listening to music, unlike when she's lying in her bed or sitting on the couch. This was Grace's #2 requested gift a couple of years ago, right after her Kindle. She has used it every single day since we hung it in her bedroom. This was an amazing purchase.
Cat makeup bag – This bag is so cute that it could easily be used for a brand new makeup collection, a set of colored pencils or markers, or even a period kit that was recommended in The Whole Story. Hey, maybe she needs more than one of these! There are 31 different patterns including cow print, leopard print, and many different florals.
Gumball machine and of course gumballs to fill it – These are just plain fun. Joe has an old jelly bean machine that Grace loves even though some of the parts are missing. I'm thinking about getting her this one to replace it.
Boogie Board Writing Tablet – My sister got these for the girls years ago, and Grace has loved hers from day one. It's a tablet where you can write or draw with a stylus (so only one color), and when you're done, you press the button and it all clears. It's really neat and saves a TON of paper, especially for doodling or sketching.
Games - Emoji UNO would be a great choice for this age group as emojis are big right now. There's also a Despicable Me version that I think my girls would prefer. Guess Who is a big hit in our house right now, and we're looking at Harry Potter Guess Who. Grace is finally old enough for Scattergories, 5 Second Rule, and Clue Master Detective. She asked her grandparents for Labyrinth, but didn't get it, so we bought it a few weeks later. It's an awesome game that gets harder and harder the more players you have. I had my eye on Bounce Off because the first review on Amazon says it's like beer pong for kids, and that was one of my favorite hobbies in college. We got it for Valentine's Day, and we all enjoy playing it together. Finally, Grace came home from a church event to say that she loved the game Suspend.
Books - Grace loves to read, and her favorite gift last Christmas was a set of the illustrated Harry Potter books. This year, she is getting the illustrated version of book 4 plus the illustrated Hogwarts Library which includes Quiddich Through the Ages, The Tales of Beedle the Bard, and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. She's also getting an illustrated copy of A History of Magic. Another book I bought for my daughter last year is the Hamilton Revolution, a backstage book full of stories and pictures, written by Lin-Manuel Miranda himself. I read it before I wrapped it, and I was really impressed.
Badminton & Volleyball set – This set is super cool, and if I didn't already have the girls' Christmas gifts already ordered, I would be buying it for them this year. I love badminton and think it would be really fun to teach the girls. The set is great because it comes with the net, racquets, birdies, boundary lines, the works. It has great reviews, too.
Pusheen Messenger Bag and/or Pusheen unicorn stuffy – Grace (and I) love this super cute, super fat cartoon cat. I think the messenger bag is awesome and would be very useful, but I ultimately settled on the unicorn stuffy since Grace is still crazy about stuffed animals and unicorns.
Snoozies slippers – I get three pairs of Snoozies every fall because I inevitably lose the ones from the year before, and my feet are always cold. I am totally and completely in love with Snoozies and keep one pair under my pillow to keep my feet warm while I sleep. You can't go wrong with these if your girl likes to wear slippers or socks. The ones I've pictured are the pair Grace calls my ruby slippers because they're my favorite, but there are hundreds of different styles, and they are all warm and soft and comfy and amazing.
A small but chic crossbody purse – As our girls grow up and start to get their periods, they will most likely need to start carrying a purse for necessary supplies (and probably the money they're amassing if they're anything like Grace). These super cute crossbody bags are small enough to work for our girls but big enough for the essentials. If I didn't carry a duffel bag around (okay, kidding, but almost), I would want one of these, too.
Bearpaw boots – Grace and I both have Bearpaw boots for the winter, and we both LOVE them. She has natural tan, and I have black and dark red. They're our go-to shoes now, for every occasion from church to our afternoon walks. They are warm but not sweaty being made of natural wool inside, and they are very durable. The pair she had last year still look brand new despite being worn almost every day of the winter. They come in almost 30 different colors, plus several different heights (ankle, high ankle, mid-calf, etc.).
A real jewelry box – Our girls are starting to collect more jewelry, and they need a place to store it and keep it organized. I think this box is pretty and functional and would be a great starter piece that would hold lots of items for years to come.
A sturdy beanbag chair – These chairs are pricey, but they are amazing. My kids have had them for about a year, they sit on them every day, and they are not the least bit flattened. Sometimes, Grace lines them up side by side and sleeps on them. (Allie is still little enough to curl up on just one to sleep.) When we were bean bag chair shopping, we decided to go with the Amazon Basics brand based on the recommendation of a friend, and we bought them assuming the girls would be able to use them for many years and eventually take them off to college some day. That's still the plan.
Fitness trackers – My younger teen has Fitbit Charge, and my older teen has an Apple Watch SE. They love to see how their steps stack up to mine (they always have more than me, which makes sense because they take smaller steps) and how they compare day after day.
Airpods Pro – Both of my girls put these on their wishlists this year, and who am I kidding? *I* want a pair! I used my sister's a few months ago and fell in love. They have a noise canceling feature that really works, but they also have a transparency mode that doesn't cancel outside noise. It's the best of both worlds. And also, the sound is so much better than the original AirPods (which I do have). One more thing: they come with 3 sizes of tips, making them perfect for tweens, teens, and adults.
Bluetooth headphones – I have these and love them. I use them on my daily walk when the kids don't come along. They aren't specifically noise cancelling, but because they're big and cover your whole ear, they do a nice job of blocking out sound. The sound coming through the headphones is great, and I have listened to both podcasts (speaking) and music. No complaints at all.
Bluetooth speaker – I have a clip-on bluetooth speaker and love it, too. Your girl can use it in her bedroom, the backyard, or anywhere to play audiobooks, podcasts, and music from her phone. It can clip on to her backpack, purse, or keys, so it's super convenient and hard to lose. These speakers have awesome, crisp, clear, loud sound that you can hear anywhere. If she isn't a pink girl, this one comes in thirteen different colors.
Bluetooth shower speaker – Along the same lines, a shower speaker is sure to tickle any girl who spends a lot of time in the shower. This is basically a bluetooth speaker, but it is waterproof for bathtub hijinks. If your girl likes to take long bubble baths or long showers, definitely consider one of these.
Fidget toys are still very popular, and my daughter has been really wanting this infinity cube. She is getting it in her stocking this year, and I am excited about it because it is heavy and seems to be well made. It comes in six different colors. If you are looking for other fidget toys, check out my Amazon list or check out this mega list on the blog.
Hair dryer/brush combo – This dryer/brush has almost half a MILLION Amazon reviews, and the reason is that it's awesome. It cuts drying time in half and reduces the amount of heat damage that occurs to hair. And did I mention that it makes drying quicker? Any girl who styles or straightens her hair is going to love this dryer.
Hair wrap – So this isn't a super sexy gift, but it might just be the most useful and helpful item on the list. I have had one for years, and I LOVE it. You wrap your wet hair in the thingie, and it keeps your hair from dripping down your back while you dry off. I keep mine on for a half hour or so, and then I unwrap and style my hair. It soaks up a lot of the water from the hair and makes it easier and quicker to style.
Craft supplies and kits - Girls this age (um, girls of every age?) love crafts, and slime is an especially big hit right now. If you're sick of baggies of slime all over your house (I AM), go for something like this string art kit which Grace thought was pretty neat. A bath bomb kit is really cool if you've never made them before (but refill supplies are much cheaper if you buy them at Walmart or the pharmacy), and a Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty Mixed by Me Kit set is awesome. Grace got one of those for Easter this year and loved it, and she asked her grandparents for the holographic set for Christmas this year.
Just Between Use Mother/Daughter Journal – I love this idea because girls at this age are starting to feel out their independence and often starting to distance themselves from their moms a little. This journal gives us mothers a no stress way to communicate with them without the pressure of a face to face conversation.
Brain teaser gift box – I think this is super cool. Here's the premise: the gift giver sets a 5-letter word as the password for the gift. You will have to come up with some clues to help the recipient figure out the password as it could literally be any 5-letter combination. The bank part is see through, so she will be able to see the amazing thing inside. On Amazon, they show an iPhone, candy, and money. I'm thinking about getting one of these for Grace this year and putting the Rubik's Cube she asked for inside it (if it fits).
Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty – Grace is obsessed with slime and putty. She makes it almost every day, and she has asked for Crazy Aaron's the last two years for almost every holiday. She already has a bunch, but she always wants more. This year, she's asking for Super Scarab, Star Dust, and Jingle. Go for the 3.2 oz 4-inch container if you can. It makes a nice handful to play with. The smaller 2-inch tin is just a dab of putty.
Solar system bracelet – Any geeky girl will love this super cool solar system bracelet. The beads represent the eight planets, including the rings of Saturn and the blue, blue waters of the Earth, as well as a couple of stars and sparkly black beads. It's gorgeous.
I asked about good teen girl gifts on Facebook, and one reader said her daughter asked for a popcorn popper. I thought this was a brilliant idea - what girl wouldn't be excited about making popcorn for her and her friends, especially if the family doesn't already have a reliable way to make homemade popcorn? (Microwave popcorn is full of nasty chemicals, by the way.) I think a sleepover gift basket would be an amazing gift - stovetop popcorn popper (this is the one we have and use weekly), a big bowl (A note - My family uses a Tupperware 8 quart Thatsa Bowl for popcorn because it's huge and amazing and goes in the dishwasher. However, it is more than $40, so you may want to go with a smaller one like this 4-quart popcorn bowl, popcorn in bulk, some sweet or salty (or both) popcorn seasonings, and an Amazon gift card to stream a new movie or two. It's more like an experience than a bunch of stuff destined to become clutter.
A new toothbrush – I know this is not a sexy or exciting gift, but I don't care. My kids brush their teeth badly and subsequently get cavities every couple of years. I bought each of them one of these fancy toothbrushes. I have one that's a few years old, and I love it because it buzzes to tell me when to switch quadrants in my mouth. My dentist recommended it to me, and my teeth have been a lot healthier since I started using it.
So that's it. My teen is getting a lot of things that are on this list, as well as a few things I thought might be specific just to her. Comment below and let me know what you're buying for your tween girl this Christmas!
Karen says
Great ideas! Do you have any suggestions for an IPod that my granddaughter wants just to listen to music?