Who does God say I am? Who you are in Christ Jesus is not a secret. The Lord tells us in scripture many examples of characteristics. These words are so true and helpful especially when your heart is heavy. Free printable of Bible verses.

What does the little voice in your head tell you?
Mine often says things like, no one likes you and there isn't enough for you and you can't do that. But the biggest, the one I hear most often, is you're not good enough.
You're not a good enough mother.
You're not a good enough wife.
You're not a good enough employee.
You're not a good enough person.
You're just not good enough.
None of these things are true. In fact, these are all the lies of the enemy, planted in my head and yours to throw us off our games.
It's unsettling, at least to me. I don't like having that voice in my head.
I use my affirmations for Christian moms every day, but sometimes, they're not enough. I need a little more.
Years ago, my pastor handed out red bookmarks with 40 "I am" statements that were based on Biblical truths. I loved it because it told me who I am in Christ, the truth about who I was really meant to be.
I've misplaced that bookmark, but it really helped me back then, so I've attempted to recreate it below. These statements, affirmations really, are the truth about God says about you through His Word.
I wrote the statements in YOU ARE form as if God were speaking to you. You can translate them into I AM statements if you want. I have both available in the free printable below.
Who Does God Say I Am? 20 Biblical Truths & Affirmations For Every Christian
You are no longer a slave to sin.
We know that our old man was crucified with him so that the body of sin would no longer dominate us, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. –Romans 6:6
See, the power that sin had over humanity died with Jesus on the cross. Our old sinful nature is no longer in control; we are free from its power. Though you may now cooperate with your sinful impulses, it is the sin, not your spirit which is evil and hated by God.
Before Jesus, human beings were slaves to sin. They couldn't help themselves; they couldn't be any other way. Now, we have a choice, and we can choose to live for Christ instead of for our fleshy desires.
You are God's child.
But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. –John 1:12
All you have to do to become God's precious child is ask for Him to come into your heart and lead and guide your life. Being "reborn" in Christ makes you spiritually alive and puts you in God's family as His child. He will make you a new person in His Kingdom.
God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure. –Ephesians 1:5
God saying that He decided in advance is another sign that He does the work, not us. He came to the world in the form of Jesus, and He is the One who does the saving of souls. He wanted to do these things, and redeeming us brings Him great pleasure. Doesn't that make you feel good? You are carefully selected, chosen, saved, and adopted by the God of the universe.
You were chosen.
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. — 1 Peter 2:9
In the time of Jesus, there were Jews and there were Gentiles. The Jews were the holy people, blood descendants of Abraham in the Old Testament. These were the chosen people that God delivered out of Israel and to whom He promised the land of Canaan. The rest of the people were Gentiles. If you aren't a Jewish descendant by ancestry, you're also a Gentile.
The Jews and the Gentiles didn't mix. Ever. They hated one another. But Jesus came to save Jews and Gentiles alike. He told them that they were all the same, all sinners in need of a Savior. This was big news because the Jews generally looked down their noses at the Gentiles.
We are ALL a chosen people, carefully selected by God. It doesn't matter who your parents or grandparents are; YOU were chosen by Him to join His flock and be born again through Jesus Christ. You were. I was. -
You are God's heir.
So you are no longer a slave but a son, and if you are a son, then you are also an heir through God. –Galatians 4:7
An heir is someone who inherits all your stuff, your material belongings, your wealth. Imagine being the heir of God, to whom all riches on earth and in the universe belong!
Under Roman law (at the time the New Testament was written), an adopted son was guaranteed the same rights as a natural son. He was an equal, entitled to his fair share of the estate and all the honor of the other children. You are just like that. You are an adopted child of God, entitled to live with Him in heaven for all eternity. -
You are a friend of Jesus.
I no longer call you slaves, because the slave does not understand what his master is doing. But I have called you friends, because I have revealed to you everything I heard from my Father. –John 15:15
You know that song, "You've got a friend in me" from the movie, Toy Story? I think of that every time I read this verse. You've got a friend in Jesus.
Even though we should be His servants, His slaves, Jesus calls us friends. Isn't it comforting and reassuring to know that you're His friend, trusted confidant, companion, and buddy? -
You are not condemned.
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death. —Romans 8:1-2
Humanity was condemned before Jesus came. Human beings were marred by sin and shame, and they could not go to heaven to live with God for eternity because of it.
But Jesus! When Jesus died for you and for me, He washed our souls clean of the black stain of sin. He declared us NOT GUILTY at our trials. He set us free from the bondage of sin and darkness. He granted us eternal life with God in heaven. That's the best news I've ever heard. -
You are forgiven.
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace — Ephesians 1:7
In New Testament times, redemption was the price someone paid to free a slave. Forgiveness back then was the removal of sin when an animal's blood was spilled in a holy sacrifice.
Jesus was the ultimate holy sacrifice because His blood was both redemption and forgiveness for us. We are made free and our sins are forgiven through the payment of the blood of Jesus. -
You are right in God's eyes.
Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. –Romans 5:1
We have been made right in God's sight by faith. What does that mean? It means that our faith – our trust in what we cannot see, our belief in what we have not personally witnessed – is what sets us free from sin and shame. It is faith that allows us to welcome Jesus into our hearts and find salvation. And when that happens, you are made right, clean, whole, and pure in God's eyes.
You are a new creation.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! — 2 Corinthians 5:17
As I wrote above, once you ask Jesus to live in your heart and guide your life, you are right, clean, whole, and pure. You no longer bear the black mark of your sins. You have been reborn, rearranged, reworked on the inside. The Holy Spirit has come into your life, and you are no longer the same.
When you are saved, you are not re-educated, reformed, or rehabilitated; you are recreated. You are a whole new being. You haven't turned over a new leaf; you have begun a new life with Jesus. -
You are loved.
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. — Colossians 3:12
As someone who has struggled with worthiness and worthlessness her entire life, I think this may be the most foundational of all the affirmations I've featured here today. We are CHOSEN, HOLY, and DEARLY LOVED. God wants you and me! He wants us because we are wonderful and right and good. Does that sink into your heart, dear one? Can you feel it? You are loved by God and by many people around you, believe it.
You cannot be separated from God's love.
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow — not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below — indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. –Romans 8:38-39
It says elsewhere in the New Testament that believers will always have troubles. We'll always have temptations, problems, challenges, and frustrations. Sometimes, we will struggle and lose and cry.
The book of Romans was a letter written by Paul to the believers in the new church in Rome. Paul wanted his readers to know that no matter what happened – and in the first century AD, quite a lot of bad things can and did happen to believers – nothing could take them away from the love and salvation of the Savior. Nothing, not death, not evil demons, not worries, and not fears. Nothing could take away their salvation, and nothing can take away yours, either. God's love will follow you wherever you go for the rest of your life. -
You have been rescued from darkness.
For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins. –Colossians 1:13-14
The book of Colossians was also a letter, this time from Paul to the new church in Colosse, a city in modern-day Turkey. The church there had been infiltrated by paganism and false teachings. Paul wanted to combat the half-truths they were believing and show them the right way, the true teachings of Jesus.
Through this lens, you can see that the people of Colosse were living in darkness even as believers. They weren't following Jesus; they were making things up as they went along, combining their old pagan ways with the new Christian faith and calling it good. But God is a jealous God, and He won't stand for half measures. He wants our whole hearts and souls.
All we have to do is ask, and Jesus will rescue us from the darkness, give us freedom, and forgive our sins. -
You can do anything with the strength of Christ.
For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. –Philippians 4:13
This is my favorite verse in the whole Bible and, if you've read much of my writing, you probably already know it by heart. I use it on every list of Bible verses that I can get it into. I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who gives me strength. ALL THINGS. Notice that it doesn't say most of the things, but all the things.
Now, this doesn't mean all the things all at once. It also doesn't say that you can be superhuman or everything to everybody all the time. I don't think it means any of those things. What I do think it means is that, whatever He has called you to do, He will give you the tools you need to do that thing.- Mom of littles? He will give you the tolerance and patience that you need to get through this long day.
- Addict? He will give you the strength and power that you need to be clean and sober for this day.
- Feeling called to a big job that you don't think you can do? He will teach you what you need to know to succeed.
- Unsure of the right path? Pray, and He will show you the next step when it's time to take it.
You are more than a conqueror.
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. — Romans 8:37 (ESV/NIV)
Not just a conqueror, MORE than a conqueror.
Another version of this same verse reads:No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. — Romans 8:37 (NLT)
There's not usually such a big difference between different versions of a verse, so I find these two passages really interesting. What does "more than a conqueror" mean? I'm not exactly sure, but I like the way it sounds. I didn't just win the battle; I MORE THAN won the battle. You did, too.
Overwhelming victory is a little easier for me to understand. I have overwhelming victory over Satan, over death, over sin, and over all the forces of evil in all the world. You have the same overwhelming victory. We ARE more than conquerors. -
You are God’s masterpiece.
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago. — Ephesians 2:10
A masterpiece is an artist's best work, the pinnacle of his career. Sweet friend, when was the last time someone told you that you are a MASTERPIECE? You are! You are God's Mona Lisa, His Sistine Chapel, His Last Supper, His David. (I would have said His Venus de Milo, but hopefully, you have arms.)
Some versions of this scripture say "workmanship" but I think that has an entirely different connotation than masterpiece. YOU are His prized possession, the pinnacle of His creation. You are His favorite, dear one. You, messy, flawed, and broken, His favorite. -
You are a work in progress.
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus, — Philippians 1:6
On the heels of the masterpiece verse, I tell you that you're a work in progress. I guess that's a bit of a let down, huh?
But it's true. If you're anything like me, you beat yourself up over all your failures and foibles and missteps. But the beauty of this life is that it's not finished until we are perfected in heaven.
As long as we breathe on the earth, God is working on us, making us better, sanding out the rough spots, and polishing us up. His work in us began when we accepted Jesus as Savior, and it will continue until He finishes us as we enter heaven. It's a comforting thought to me to know that, no matter how badly I mess up, God is always willing and able to make me better for the next time. He's always improving on me. He's always improving on you, too. -
You are a citizen of heaven.
But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior. –Philippians 3:20
When the New Testament was written, Christians all over the known world were citizens of Rome. As such, they were expected to promote the interests of Rome and maintain the dignity of the city no matter where they were in the empire.
If we are citizens of heaven, we should apply the same standard as in the Roman Empire. We should promote the interests of heaven and maintain the dignity of heaven in the world.
Promoting the interests of heaven and maintaining its dignity mean that we should be enlarging the Kingdom, spreading the Good News of heaven to unsaved people, and following Jesus with our whole hearts. We should be bringing glory to God's name through our words and behavior, regardless of circumstances. We should act with integrity, speak with clarity and wisdom, and show love to everyone we encounter. That's what it means to be a citizen of heaven. -
You are provided for.
And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. — Philippians 4:19
Meeting all your needs is a tricky statement. Like our small children, we think we need a lot of things. We do need food, shelter, and clothing, of course, but do my Michael Kors purse and New Balance sneakers count as necessities? Do I really need box after box of books for educating my children and fresh, organic produce in my belly? Do you?
These are real questions, not just rhetoric, and I honestly don't know the answers in every case. MK handbag, obviously not a need. But the $175 sneakers? I walk 3-5 miles a day, and comfortable, supportive footwear really is a necessity. The answers aren't always easy. The answers are not usually easy.
Back to the verse. The Word says that God will meet our needs according to His heavenly riches. He will give us the material things we need and the emotional strength and resources, too.
I have experienced God's Divine Provision more than once. When I quit my teaching job 7 years ago, we had an instant $65,000 per year pay cut. What was left over qualified us for food stamps and put my kids on Medicaid. It was a humbling experience to have to walk into the WIC office every couple of months, have my children weighed and interviewed by a 20-year-old social worker, and walk out with checks for food. It was almost as bad to actually use the checks at the grocery store. Totally humiliating, but we couldn't manage without it.
That December, we were trying to figure out how to buy Christmas gifts for our families. I had, every year since my children were born (and for at least ten years before that), created photo calendars for all of our family members as a gift. Even though we didn't have much money, and nothing extra, we were committed to our calendar project. We ended up raiding our stashes of coins - counting out quarters, dimes, and nickels in the bank - to pay for our calendars that year. But we managed because God provided for us. We never went hungry, and our basic bills were always paid. He came through for us over and over and over, even as my husband lost his job a couple of years later. God has always been faithful and will always be faithful. -
You are free.
So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law. –Galatians 5:1
Jesus died to set us free from sin, death, and a long list of rules and regulations. He did not come to set us free to do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted; that would lead us right back into slavery to our selfish desires. Instead, we are now free to do what humans were never free to do before - to live unselfishly, to serve and do good, to work hard to do what is right without worrying about adhering to rules or laws or conditions.
You are victorious.
But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ. — 1 Corinthians 15:57
There are times in the Bible where Satan seems victorious. He wins in the Garden of Eden, and he wins when Jesus is on the cross. But does he really win? Jesus may have been persecuted, and He may have died, but three days later, He defeated sin and death when He rose from the grave and walked again. He gives that victory to us, and we don't have to die either. Rather, when our physical bodies die, our spirits will ascend into heaven to spend eternity there. We win, thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus.
It's no coincidence that these verses all come from the New Testament. Our identities, our very hearts, souls, and minds, were reborn and renewed when Jesus came. He changed everything because He paid the price for our sins and freed us from them. He united us with God and made all the Old Testament prophesies and promises come true.
If you're looking for a place to start reading the Bible, start with the New Testament, in any of the passages above. Through the words of Paul, Peter, John, and others, you will read the Good News of Jesus and His message of salvation, forgiveness, and love for you. You are beloved, my friend, and you are very very good.
Save these Biblical affirmations in a convenient black and white printable below. You can work on memorizing and meditating on them, one at a time.
If you need help with a system for memorizing verses, check out this post on our family's memorization habit.
E says
Where is the download link?? I would love to have this as a printable to put on my bathroom mirror 🙂
Tara Ziegmont says
You have to put it in your cart and then check out. It's free, so no payment info needed.
MEL says
Thank you, Lord's blessing to you! I am doing a study on the Uniqueness of Jesus Christ and his claims. This is a resource for pesonal application.
Brenda says
Hi! I love this article and I will start putting these affirmations into practice. I have the not good enough voice in my head as well. Not fun!
Not to criticize but one thing I've learned lately is about the difference about our spirit and our soul from another article I read, is you're right that our spirits will return to God when we die (no matter where our souls go—but, our souls are the essence of who we are—our mind, our will, and our emotions; which will spend eternity with God, if we choose Jesus as our Lord and savior). Do we ever stop learning? Lol
Thank so much for the article--Blessings!
paul says
Thank you Tara
Today,I started working on a " I Am" research which God mentions plenty of times throughout the Scriptures, but that is who He claimed to be.....
Then, I ran into your great article. God used it to connect into an issue I am dealing with and that is my IDENTITY in my relationship with Jesus.
Timely, as per usual, with The Holy Spirit!
My brothers, whom I meet with, will soon receive these 20 "WE ARE" claims that you have organized so well !
Thank you for for your time with this and your honesty and encouragement !
Jo-weh Margaret Flumo says
Thank you for being obedient and sharing!
Yah Bless!