These encouraging Bible verses will help you to overcome disappointment through the words and truths of the Lord God and Jesus Christ. The Scriptures will comfort your heart when you're disappointed and bring faith, hope, and strength to your spirit.

I am not a born optimist, but then, I don't think anyone really is.
Despite appearances, I do not naturally see the good in people or in situations. My heart hides snarky cynicism and crushing depression, fragile insecurity and paralyzing anxiety. I have to work (harder than you think) at being pleasant and cheerful and uplifting.
I fail.
It is 12:52 am.
I am alone in a dark, quiet house. Isn't this every mothers' dream? Peace and quiet and time for reflection?
The rest of my family is enjoying a planned weekend away. I, too, had weekend plans, cancelled against my wishes at the last minute.
My heart is so heavy, burdened with the loss of encouragement and refreshment and friendship the weekend promised.
My limbs should be splayed out in the middle of my empty bed, and I should be deep in sleep.
About ten minutes ago, words I read in a Skype chat almost three weeks ago jolted me awake. My eyes flung open, and I jumped out of bed.
You should write about dealing with disappointment, she typed.
I can't, I argued. There are too many disappointments in my life right now (little did I know what was on the horizon!). It's just too close to home.
I don't remember what she said next, whether it was something like That's why you should write about it, or Do it when you're ready, or maybe nothing at all. I hadn't thought about the conversation another second until it woke me up in the middle of the night.
Disappointment (noun): the feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the defeat of one's hopes or expectations
The disappointments in my life have been many.
The selfish, immature part of me wants to lay them all out before you, as if your kindness and pity would make them go away. They won't.
Our circumstances are different, yours and mine, but we both have them. Yours are as real and crushing and painful to you as mine are to me, and they linger, needling our hearts, despite our best intentions to leave them behind.
13 Bible Verses to Overcome Disappointment
- Believe in God's plan. Our God is a miracle worker. He can part waters, move boulders, heal the dead (not just the sick, remember, the dead), save, destroy, bless, and curse. He can do anything, everything, things beyond our comprehension. He has done, all throughout history, for Christians all over the world.
"My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts," says the Lord. "And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." -Isaiah 55:8-9
When I say you have to believe, I mean you have to believe that God has got this thing in His hands. He is looking out for you. He is working out a plan that is bigger than you, and you are going to be better for it in the end.
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." -Jeremiah 29:11
Sometimes, it takes a painful disappointment to teach us a skill or strengthen our faith or to put us in the right place at the right time. We don't know His ways or His thoughts. We just have to believe in His promise.
- Grieve. Things have not gone the way you wanted. Your hopes and expectations have been defeated. You need to spend some quiet time being sad, mourning the way you thought things would be.
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. -Psalm 34:18
Cry. Exercise. Read. Do whatever it is that releases the sadness, the disappointment, the defeat, the suffering.
And then, eventually, you have to stop grieving and move on.Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning. -Psalm 30:5
Disappointment is not meant to define you, my friend. It is not meant to hold you hostage or weigh you down into the mire of depression. Don't give it that power.
- Pray. You had to know this was coming, right? Spend some time talking to your Heavenly Father. Tell Him your heartache. Tell Him about the plans you had and ask Him to show you why He's taken them away. I promise you that He has good in this for you, and it's okay to ask Him what that good is.
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28
Talk to Him like you'd talk to your best friend. Your prayer doesn't have to be pretty or sound like one at your church. It just has to be honest and come from your heart.
Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall. -Psalm 55:22
You, my friend, are the godly. You are chasing after God, trying to do the right thing, seeking a better understanding of Him. Aren't you? He's talking about you.
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 4:6-7
- Listen and wait. Big things happen when we pray. Sometimes, they are blessings beyond our expectations.
But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you. -Matthew 6:6
Sometimes they happen right away, but usually they happen later when we least expect them. Keep waiting in God's love and grace. You'll know when your prayer has been answered.
Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. -Psalms 27:14
- Search for the good. This is a miserable time to try to be thankful. I don't know about you, but all I want to do is wallow in self pity of my dreams deferred (or dreams lost). This is the time when it's hardest - and most important - to find the good, grab onto it with both hands, and celebrate it. You need to find a new perspective and praise the One who created all the good in the world.
This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. -Psalm 118:24
In beginning this post in the middle of the night, I came to understand that it wouldn't have happened if my plans had worked out. I wouldn't have been sleeping fitfully. I wouldn't have jumped out of bed to write these words. It was God's plan for me to write these words. (It has been an incredibly soothing and cathartic process). It is also His plan for you to be reading them right now. I am thankful that He chose me.
Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:19b-20
- Believe in yourself. You too are part of God's great plan. He is preparing you to do His work right now, even in this time of disappointment. No matter what burden comes, know that He will help you stand underneath it, carry it up the hill, and triumph over it in the end.*
Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. -Isaiah 40:28-31
God believes in you. You may not feel equipped to handle this on your own, but He'll give you what you need to get through it.
For I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength. -Philippians 4:13
*The triumph doesn't always happen when we think it should. Sometimes, we only triumph over our struggles as we leave this broken world. A conversation I had with my pastor illustrates this point:
"Tara, God will heal her."
"I just don't know that He will. She is so sick. She hardly gets out of bed."
"He is going to heal her. He might heal her body now, or He might heal her soul in heaven, but you can trust Him to heal her."
Wow. The simplicity and immensity of that statement left me with many tears but complete peace. We can trust Him to defeat our disappointment, no matter what it is.
Get these Bible verses on overcoming disappointment in a convenient black and white printable below. You can work on memorizing and meditating on them, one at a time.
If you need help with a system for memorizing verses, check out this post on our family's memorization habit.
I've read so many encouraging comments, i didnt expect to feel an awakening in my time of stress,disobeying God. God bless you all !! Lets pray for the nations stronghold of drugs. I too, have to pray myself out of it.
Vicki says
I need this. I've got 2 remove myself from "why me ?" or why not me? I'm 60 and cannot remember my life w/o it being pure pain. I have to RIP it out and replace it with Gods love and promises, I can't nor want 2 die w/out joy, prosperity, health and His promises I have prayed so fervently for, not come 2 pass in my lifetime to enjoy for many years to come.
vero says
thank you for all the verse, my husband was involved in a car incident with my car when i approach the insurance company they said that my policy did not cover the damage and incident so they won't assist me with any thing. the car still belong to the bank so now i have to pay for the car which is no more, am very disappoint and get angry at some point not understanding the whole situation. after reading i hope i will wait for God's plan and believe that he is preparing me for greater and more blessings.
sherry j says
thanks for writing this, it was needed .... sometimes talking to your girlfriends just isn't enough to be made whole again
Chukwunonso Stephen says
Thank God for the life from March 8 1994 to April 4 2019. But God why have you created me in this world to suffer like this, is not battle for me died than live in this life. From my child hood, i was suffering, no mother, only her pictures i used to watch, she is very beautiful. From my primary school, secondary school i have suffering especially in the morning and afternoon no food, no one will cook it at home. No uncles or cousins care about me. During my primary school i used to work on house building cement, but after they cheat or disappointed me especially in money. After finished my secondary school in 2012 i want for computer training for seven month. Them after that, landlord brother son who live in India send money to his daddy for them to start building, his father told me how much i will take park the block they mould, i charge him 10naira pair each one, and he agreed, it take me about four weeks for me to parks the blocks. Them i told the man to pay me my money, he told me to go and get calculator which is i do, he press 5naira times 7410 the blocks, it pains me in heart which cause me to start crying. About 7410 blocks. Then after about two month my mother brother visit us and told me whether i will continue my education or business i told him i want to study more, he told me to put jamb, i used my money take the exam, which is grace of GOD i pass the exam and get admission at Oko ploy and IMT, them i call the man to told him the good news that i get admission, he disappointed me. them four month latter i get job in Methodist, were i was working as exam paper typing both in church and they school student. At the the end of the month the man that is Rev pastor delayed to pay me my salary, that makes me to have problem with him and i quit the job. I started look for work to do, i learning how to do P.O.P. one day me and one guy that teaches me the work want a long distance work, we spend almost 3weeks in that work, the guy go to my back and collected the money and refused to pay me my own money. It is a pain to me but latter i forget it. The worst part of it all those that cheating me, use to have problem one by one or even died. In 2013 my first year to spend December at village, i want to greetings my relations in our house which my daddy told me they are my brothers and my sisters. Them the woman i greet told me his son lived in Mozambique whether i will live with him, them i agreed. He put visa for me to Mozambique. When i travel they,i suffer in the hand of his wife she used to wicked me, also the works in shop is hard, but in my heart i will calm myself down and say in my heart ‘NO CONDITION IS PERMANENT’ i will not live here forever. One day his wife wicked me even i cried from house to shop, i send message to his husband that i want to travel back to Nigeria that all the money he pay for me i will pay him back, when he came to shop, he call me and start told me he want to help me make i calm down. One day i have problem in my hand which is problem of vine that connect blood in my head to hand, i told the man to give me money let me go hospital he told me tomorrow, if tomorrow i remained him he told me next, so i was very angered for that, after three week i meet him in his car and told him i want to know the year he will settle me, he told me to call my daddy, if i called my daddy he will told me his mother said that we are brothers and sisters no problem. Every year, the wickedness is going more high and higher, even we use to eaten only two in a day, but that one is not my problem. On 2018 my hand get worst problem but the man will live his works and second servant and carry me to whale house to searching tyres but no problem. One day the man started abuse me and the other guy, said our family are poor and wretchedness he put visa for us here if not will for died in Nigeria with hungry. It a painful for that word which make me angry and told him which year he will settle me again he told me the same thing again, it cause me to be angry every day because am in hopeless, no future. Then one day we have problem, from that day he started give 1 money pair day, that is only in the night. This makes me to think about settlement. I told him that i have spend for him long that i need to go, he told me let go back to Nigeria i told him, let him settle me here but he refused. Them i agreed for him, we travel together he reach Ethiopian and gave me 100 dollar, and told me he is going to Dubai. So i want only me down to Nigeria, when i reach i spend two month wait for the man to come. He letter call my daddy he will be back on December to settle me, which cause me pain, i started suffering from one house to another, i spend 8 month on Nigeria before he came back on February 3 and give me 1million which is in that money i will pay people that give me money when i was suffering. After that another stuffeness still continues which is i didn’t know the day it will end... still continue........................ now my eyes open that i have spirit of disappointment, i really need man of God and help psalm 121
Prince says
I am dealing with depression right now it seems like nobody really cares am 26years and still live with my mother all I have been praying for is that I can travel to abroad Europe or America soo that I can work and take care of my mother anybody I ask for help don't really care and sometimes I even ask my self is God real and I also strongly believe that God is real but always disappointed from those u promise to help...the aspect of Phillpian 4;6 keeps me going anybody with help too can help me come overseas
Elizabeth says
Thank you for this. I too woke up in the middle of the night. Checked my score on the qualifying papers for an exam I had slogged for and hoped and dreamed for. I realized that I am not going to clear it. Not because I didn't know, but because my mind was flustered and I didn't trust my gut instinct. my heart feels like its breaking, with this dream of many years slipping away once again.
I wonder if this is gods way of saying I should give up or his way of asking me to fight on coz I have not done enough. I want to cry and wail. I am wondering why, why I had to make such silly mistakes.
Its hard to have faith in a bigger plan. It's hard but I am going to believe. I am going to strive once more and hope that he will help me leave this dream behind, once and for all.
nobody says
im just sad... it seems nothing ever goes the way i plan or hope. I have been doing a job for over 5 months. I applied for the position. and they are just now hiring for the position and they did not even ask me to interview and I have worked really hard over the last few months going over and beyond for the position. coming in early staying late etc.I feel used, embarrassed and most likely when they hire someone else I am going to leave just because I dont know how I am going to go back to the lower position with dignity. I really need the money because my children are going to college first in the fall and I only have a part time position. this new position was the breakthrough I had been praying for.
Glory says
I've been sad for past few days. I feel so disappointed
and humiliated, my fiance got me engaged a month ago, when everything seems to be going alright, he said to me "my dad is against our relationship, i think you should forget about me". I've not been of my self, i decided to search for words that deals with disappointment. I'm glad i found this site. God bless you ma for your words of encouragement. I pray God Show me mercy.. Amen.
Mercy says
So I have been in a relationship of over 8years and there was nothing new coming out of the relationship so it pushed me to a point of letting go that I had to tell the man I was dating that I'm letting go. He didn't beg me to stay or even tell me that things will changed he just said he is sorry and that was all. Now I'm so disappointed, I feel cheated cuz I'm 35years approaching 36 next year February I'm not married and I still don't have a job of my own, I feel I've wasted all my years doing nothing but today God led me to this blog and I'm so grateful cuz I know I am next in line for my miracle cuz this is my time. Thanks so much for the encouragement and may God bless you greatly
Anjeleigh Partridge says
This is God breathed Word ( as the Word is) and confirmation.One of my friends is going through a divorce and this morning my heart was led to focus on her in my devotional time. The Holy Spirit led me to pen words to her from Him and include scripture references. AS I jotted down things to share with her, the Holy Spirit filled me with gifts to share with her. As I researched more passages I fell upon this work and it confirmed everything that I wrote almost 2 hours prior to finding this site.
May God bless us all with more than we can think, ask, or imagine. No matter what, trust in Him. Lean into Him and ask Him to speak to every broken place. May He uproot everything in our lives that seeks to exalt itself above Him and may He fill every hole that is left with the healing blood of Jesus!
Satan we rebuke your hand off of our minds, our hearts, our self-esteem, our families, friendships, and marriages. You are a liar and we cast you back into the pits of hell in the name of Jesus! We thank you now for healed hearts, minds, spirits and relationships! WE count this prayer DONE!!
Ngeah says
Amen. Thank you
Cat Pilbrow says
Thank you for this blog, I really needed to read this. Many thanks 🙂
Jess says
Thank you so much. This met me where I was. Thank you.
GWENDOLYN Baggett says
Thank you for this powerful piece of information. I'm teaching on disappointment & this blessed me.
Cynthia says
Thank you so much for this message. It came at an important and trying time in my life. I just lost an job interview into one of the top companies globally that could change my financial life positively. I have been grieving about it for two days now. I asked God why He let it happen to me as all knowing as He is. The Devil has been toying with my mind and making me feel worthless....but God triumphed over Satan... especially after reading your blog and meditating on the scripture you set out. God bless you richly and deliver you from all your sorrows in Jesus Christ name we pray Amen.
Ashley says
I really appreciated this! Thank you! In a time of deep disappointment tuning to depression, I was searching google for what to do to not let the disappointment take my joy and affect my relationship with God. I am so grateful for your words:)
Kim says
Thank you, I am going to meditate on these scriptures, listen to God and do what he says. Disappointment as dominated my life and has turned into unbelief.
Kristi Z says
I really appreciate you listening to the Lord prompting you to put these words (especially His words from scripture) in a format for so many to glean from! They are life-giving, and full of hope!
Lasaundra V Leach-Blalock says
I think I have read this post multiple times. I feel the crushing weight of disappointment in myself and in my family. These scriptures offer comfort. Yes this world is broken. It still has so much beauty in it as well. There have actually been times I've thought to end all of this pain and disappointment, but I am reminded of the sovereignty of God and then I am humbled.
P says
As I failed an assessment today for a job I really wanted these words have given me strength. There are so many things God has prepared me for in these last few weeks and I count it all joy. Satan has tried to infiltrate my mind but I have replaced those thoughts with Thanksgiving. I will wait. I will trust. I will continue to scream's the highest praise
Emmanuel says
Actually read this to prepare for dissapointment but more I read, I realised needed it now. Thanks
Jessica says
After great disappointment and going into my prayer room, God gave me instruction to look up bible verses that covers disappointment. I myself did not know which bible verses to read until I fell upon your blog. Thank you so much Tara for this has helped me in a special way on today. God bless you!!
Patrick Uzoma says
Patrick Uzoma: disappointment want to turn my life upside down but seeing your blog has given me a new life to believe in God more and more than i believe before
Cindy says
My husband wrecked our truck today. What a disappointment and happened out of nowhere as these things do at times. Disappointed yes, however, God knew this would happen and HE can turn lemons into lemonade as we just trust in him! I will not allow my mind to dwell on the negatives!
Jenae says
Thank you for allowing God to use you Tara. I pray he blesses & continues to strengthen & use you.
Char says
Thank you from one overcoming disappointment. I hope one day my words encourage someone as yours encouraged me.
Jennifer S says
Thank you for writing this. I cried reading through the entire post. I was meant to find this today. Thank You.
Luverta says
Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
Jill says
This post was exactly what I needed to hear. Thank goodness the Spirit moved you to write this in the middle of the night as I read it at 7 AM because I cannot sleep. God is so good.
Jenn says
Beautiful post. Very encouraging