I love to read.
When I find a book I love, I sink down into it and roll around in it, enjoying every word, scene, and character. I stay up way past my bedtime devouring it, and I keep it within arm's reach so that I can sneak in a few words at every idle opportunity. I become obsessed.
This doesn't happen very often, fortunately for my family. Since Grace was born, there have been only three books that really pulled me in: Little Earthquakes, A Thousand Splendid Suns and Gods in Alabama. Now, add Sweet Life to that list.
Let me pause to say that I am obsessed with Hawaii. A colleague moved there last year, a friend just found out that her husband is being transferred there in the spring, and I've always wanted to visit for a vacation. Or maybe move to Hawaii some day? Who knows.
So, back to Sweet Life. From early on, it reminded me a lot of Jennifer Weiner's style and her book, Little Earthquakes. Both books are clever and real, with well developed characters who live in today's world. They are women you could find walking down the street anywhere and women you want to befriend.
In Sweet Life, Marissa is a fabulously successful and worldly New York business woman whose husband accepts a transfer to Hawaii. She leaves her job, her friends, her life to accompany him on the move. Then he leaves her, saddled with a dilapidated house, the care of their eight-year-old daughter, and virtually no money. What is she to do? Feeling like she's lost everything, Marissa comes up with a plan and soon discovers that the sweetness in life isn't at all where she expected.
I love everything about Sweet Life. I love the characters, especially the girls who become Marissa's friends and a handsome cowboy named Tom. I love the descriptions of the volcanoes and geology of Hawaii. I also love that the author, Mia King, has included recipes in an appendix for many of the dishes mentioned in the text and a website with even more. How cool is that?
You could make the Spambalaya that the girls enjoy for dinner or the macadamia nut energy bars that they snack on. The first one that I'm going to try is the Hawaiian Style Crispy Dumplings with Ginger Chili Sauce, which I've included below.
Ashlee says
Awww....my life is sweet because of the sweet little girl right here beside me. She is the love of my life. And also...because I have learned to find the beauty in everyday things. Makes life so much sweeter.
Ashlee says
Awww....my life is sweet because of the sweet little girl right here beside me. She is the love of my life. And also...because I have learned to find the beauty in everyday things. Makes life so much sweeter.
Sundi says
My life is sweet because God has blessed me with so much! A wonderful husband, two awesome kiddos, a little girl on her way, the cutest little home, and most of all, His saving grace. I have so much to be thankful for!
Sundi says
My life is sweet because God has blessed me with so much! A wonderful husband, two awesome kiddos, a little girl on her way, the cutest little home, and most of all, His saving grace. I have so much to be thankful for!
Kelli says
Life is sweet because, thanks to strong women who have come before me, I have the right to vote, the right to sit on a jury, the right to pursue my dreams and fight for the injustices still left in this world.
Kelli says
Life is sweet because, thanks to strong women who have come before me, I have the right to vote, the right to sit on a jury, the right to pursue my dreams and fight for the injustices still left in this world.
Brandy says
My life is sweet because God has given me 2 children to love and I also get to work around children everyday. Nothing sweeter than an innocent child!nrb
Brandy says
My life is sweet because God has given me 2 children to love and I also get to work around children everyday. Nothing sweeter than an innocent child!nrb
bison61 says
my life is sweet because my son and his three children moved back to town
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
bison61 says
my life is sweet because my son and his three children moved back to towntiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Annemarie says
My life is sweet because I have a wonderful boyfriend.
Annemarie says
My life is sweet because I have a wonderful boyfriend.annemarie562000(at)yahoo(dot)com
Jen Hill says
My life is sweet because I married my best friend!
Jen Hill says
My life is sweet because I married my best friend!
Tamara says
My life is sweet because of my children. They are my life and without them I would never have truly loved.
Tamara says
My life is sweet because of my children. They are my life and without them I would never have truly loved.
AlaneM says
My life is sweet because I get to stay home with my kids - but it's also sweet because next year they will all be in school =)
alanem at centurytel dot net
AlaneM says
My life is sweet because I get to stay home with my kids - but it's also sweet because next year they will all be in school =)alanem at centurytel dot net
Tanya says
I have a sweet life because I surround myself with good food, fun activities, and loving friends and family. 🙂
Tanya says
I have a sweet life because I surround myself with good food, fun activities, and loving friends and family. 🙂
Carolsue says
My life is sweet because we lead a comfortable life and we have good kids--it's all good!
Carolsue says
My life is sweet because we lead a comfortable life and we have good kids--it's all good!digicatATsbcglobalDOTnet
Anonymous says
The sweetest thing in my life is my loving kitty, Squirt. She's a good old girl and shows me how much she appreciates the home I've given her every single day.
Nyssa AT concentric DOT net
Anonymous says
The sweetest thing in my life is my loving kitty, Squirt. She's a good old girl and shows me how much she appreciates the home I've given her every single day.Nyssa AT concentric DOT net
asg156 says
My life is sweet when your Gracie Anna yells into the phone, "hey ya mana!"
asg156 says
My life is sweet when your Gracie Anna yells into the phone, "hey ya mana!"
Rockin' Mama says
My life is sweet because I have the most amazing, loving husband and adorable, healthy little boy. We are so blessed. I am a nurse and I have the amazing opportunity to help families with sick and premature babies.
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
Rockin' Mama says
My life is sweet because I have the most amazing, loving husband and adorable, healthy little boy. We are so blessed. I am a nurse and I have the amazing opportunity to help families with sick and premature babies.jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
Heather says
My life is sweet because I know the joy of having a child with ADHD...even though she turns my hair white. 🙂
Heather says
My life is sweet because I know the joy of having a child with ADHD...even though she turns my hair white. 🙂