Most of us have eaten apple butter, right?
I assume so since it's one of my favorite foods ever.
But have you ever eaten cherry butter or peach butter or pear butter?
I mentioned that you could substitute different fruits for the apples when I wrote out my recipe. The more I thought about it, I thought that the substitutions deserved their own post.
Peach, cherry, and pear butters are just as amazing as apple butter, but I don't see them in my local grocery store.
Each has its own unique flavor, rich and sweet and only reminiscent of the original fruit. Soooo very delicious.
Last summer, I went a little crazy buying up apples, cherries, and peaches. I wanted to buy pears, too, but there weren't any available when I was at the farm market.
Thank goodness.
Over the weekend, my Grandma brought out a jar of apple butter that I had given to her for Christmas. She told me to open it so that we could eat it on our toast. I eagerly did as she asked, mixed it a bit, and noticed that the consistency was wrong.
Oh no!
My heart sunk, as I imagined my breakfast with no apple butter at all. I almost cried.
I leaned my head down over the jar - and noticed that it wasn't apple butter at all. It was cherry butter.
The breakfast was saved.
I think I like cherry butter even better than apple butter, if that is possible.
Even if you don't can, you can still make some butter. Fill up your crockpot with fruit, make the butter, and freeze it in small containers. It will last about a year in the freezer.
Kathy Glenn says
This sounds great! Have not made fruit butters before, but the cherry sounds divine! Will definitely have to try! Thanks for sharing!
Kathy Glenn says
This sounds great! Have not made fruit butters before, but the cherry sounds divine! Will definitely have to try! Thanks for sharing!
Lisa@blessedwithgrace says
Apple butter always makes me think of my Grandmother! Thanks for your participation today and for about a whole YEAR!!!!
Lisa@blessedwithgrace's last blog post..Tempt My Tummy Tuesday... Anniversary Giveaway Edition!!
Elaine says
We have so many nice peaches at our Farmer's Market right now......I just love the idea of canning some Peach Butter. I've only done Apple Butter before.....can't wait to try this. ๐
Elaine's last blog post..Am I Cool or What? Part I
Elaine says
We have so many nice peaches at our Farmer's Market right now......I just love the idea of canning some Peach Butter. I've only done Apple Butter before.....can't wait to try this. ๐
Elaine's last blog post..Am I Cool or What? Part I
Alea says
We have a pear tree and I have wanted to do something with the pears other than just can them. Thanks for the idea!
Alea's last blog post..The Pressure Cooker: Grandma's "Microwave"
Amy says
When buying peaches, approximately how much do you think would make 6 quarts?
Tara Ziegmont says
It totally depends on the size of the peaches, but ballpark, I'd say 18 to 24.
Alea says
P.S. Bookmarked your site. You have a wonderful blog!
Alea's last blog post..The Pressure Cooker: Grandma's "Microwave"
Lisa@blessedwithgrace says
Apple butter always makes me think of my Grandmother! Thanks for your participation today and for about a whole YEAR!!!!
Lisa@blessedwithgrace's last blog post..Tempt My Tummy Tuesday... Anniversary Giveaway Edition!!
Alea says
We have a pear tree and I have wanted to do something with the pears other than just can them. Thanks for the idea!
Alea's last blog post..The Pressure Cooker: Grandma's "Microwave"
Alea says
P.S. Bookmarked your site. You have a wonderful blog!
Alea's last blog post..The Pressure Cooker: Grandma's "Microwave"