Remember the Kissing Hand Necklace that Allie posted on No Time for Flashcards earlier this year?
Her idea was to create something that she and her young son could wear when she was away from home, especially on a trip for several days and nights.
I loved the idea. I loved the necklaces.
I have such a hard time leaving Grace. I have a hard time leaving her at preschool every day, and I have a harder time leaving her overnight. A blogging conference requiring air fare and several nights away from home leaves us both a wreck.
Because Grace has spent time in person with Allie's son, I showed her the pictures of Allie and her son making their Kissing Hands necklaces. She thought it was a great idea and dubbed them Smoochie Hands.
How to Make Shrinky Dink Hands
I followed Allie's Kissing Hand Necklace instructions with just a couple of changes. (Click over to her site for a fully illustrated set of instructions.)
Materials - White paper, Shrinky Dinks, Sharpie markers, scissors, and a baking sheet
- I was shocked at the price of Shrinky Dinks, and I didn't want to waste a sheet if my tracing didn't come out how I wanted it to. I traced Grace's hand and my hand onto a piece of plain white paper, making sure they are both the same hand and facing the same direction.
- Once I got our hands the way I wanted them, I traced my own hand onto a sheet of Shrinky Dinks using a hot pink Sharpie. I traced Grace's hand inside my own, using the same marker.
- I repeated the step above with a purple marker for the hand Grace would color.
- Grace and I both colored our hands as we pleased. The one she made for me was more scribbly, and I colored mine in full, bold color.
- I wrote on the hands using a silver Sharpie marker. Mine said, "Of all the kids in the whole world, I got the best one. I love you! I'll see you soon!" I asked Grace what she wanted to write on hers, hoping for something sweet and meaningful.
She picked the Barney song. You know, "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family. With a great big hug, and a kiss from me to you, won't you say you love me, too." - I cut out along the line for my hand and baked the Shrinky Dinks according to the package instructions.
I panicked when they curled up, thinking they were getting ruined, and I broke one. We had to start over.
They will curl up, but then they will flatten out again. Don't worry.
I should've punched holes in the hands before baking them, but I forgot. This way, Grace and I have to carry them, rather than wearing the hands as necklaces. I keep mine in my wallet whenever I'm away from home.
Also, the words look much better from the back. I wish there was an easy way to write the message backwards so that it would be easy to read from the back side.
Our Smoochie Hands
Grace kept the one that I colored (it's the pink and purple one above), and I kept the one that Grace colored (the mostly white one).
When I'm away, especially at bed time, we talk on the phone, Grace kisses her Smoochie Hand, and I send her kisses through mine. It's like we're holding hands even though we're far apart, and it's a ritual that we both treasure.
The Kissing Hand Book
This activity, of course, is based on the book, The Kissing Hand, by Audrey Penn. In the book, the little raccoon is afraid to go to school and be away from his momma. Like many of our kids, he just wants to stay home with her. She smartly kisses his little hand and tells him that he can think of her kiss in his hand anytime he needs her. This is a wonderful book that has calmed a whole generation of kids since it was published in 1993.
Anonymous says
I could have used this when I went to Hilton Head a couple weeks ago! My poor daughter has been telling me ever since I got back, "Mommy! I don't want you to go on a trip!" Way to twist the knife, child o' mine. 🙂
Anonymous says
I understand! Did I tell you what happened after I came home from the Savvy Blogging Summit? I had to cancel my BlogHer conference trip, even WITH the Smoochie Hands!
Anonymous says
Ohhhh, that stinks!!!
Anonymous says
What stinks?
Anonymous says
Haha! That's what happens when I wait to long to reply. You said you had to cancel your trip to BlogHer and that's what I was bummed (for you) about!
Anonymous says
Oh! ha! I felt left out of the fun, but it was better in the long run. Grace just couldn't handle me being away again so soon. She comes before blogging. I'm totally over it now.
Allison McDonald says
Aww I love your hands!!
Allison McDonald says
Love it - your hands are so pretty!!
Lolli says
I was so impressed with your smoochie hands when I saw them in Philly. I think they're a great idea. Get this--we were talking about shrinkie dinks yesterday and my husband had never heard of them, much less made any when he was a kid! Sad, isn't it??
Anonymous says
I'd heard of them, but I'm pretty sure I never made any before Grace and I made them this summer. 🙂
Anonymous says
I'd heard of them, but I'm pretty sure I never made any before Grace and I made them this summer. 🙂
Meg says
So sweet! I love the story and the idea. I can't stand being away from my kiddos and this is a great solution. Thank you s much for sharing this sweet story!
Anonymous says
That is a great idea. I might try this.
Jerri says
What a cute idea!
Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites last week! Hope to see you again this week!